Interra International at the 7th Annual Latin American Product Showcase

Visit Interra International from July 26th & 27th in Cartagena, Colombia
Interra International is proud to be a part of the 7th Annual Latin American Product Showcase to be held July 26th & 27th in Cartagena, Colombia. The showcase has developed into the premier gathering for exporters and buyers conducting business in Central America, South America and the Caribbean. The 2016 event drew 120 buyers from 14 different countries and this year’s event has changed venues to accommodate an even larger number of attendees.
Spotlight on Wholesale Meat Products
This showcase allows buyers to access a wider range of product options and helps them market these products to their clientele. The inaugural showcase held in Panama City in 2011 was a great success, and the popularity and attendance of this venue has grown larger every year since. Meeting potential new customers as well as nurturing existing relationships is a key component of the event. Importers and buyers have the time to meet face to face, discuss business trends and learn about new and exciting changes to the industry. Specific product needs from buyers can be addressed in person with suppliers to further enhance the understanding and improving the customer experience.
Learn more about the event, watch the video, and make plans to attend. This multinational event is one that Interra International is very excited and proud to be a part of. We look forward to seeing many of our friends, colleagues, and customers in the beautiful coastal city of Cartagena and sharing information on our wholesale meat products.